Blog Post 1 – Learning, Motivation and Theory

Welcome to the first blog post! Today we will be exploring the importance of looking at learning stategies.

For me the biggest differnce when I got to post secondary was not necissarily the content or the subjects but how class was taught and the learning enviroment. There is a lack of social aspect of learning and active learning in higher education. In my experience of being in post secondary the most engaging and my favourite classes were the ones that included active learning such as group work or disucussion based assignments. I tended to be more engaged with the content and motivation sparked while in those classes.

The hard part of learning for me is definitely motivation. I think many factors can cause the lack of motivation in a learning enviroment. Some of the things can be

  • classes being too “boring” I hear this alot between my peers where classes that are three hours long lecture based content becomes really dry and boring.
  • not understanding the actual material
  • lack of structure in class/lecture
  • too much information at once

Some ways I have tried overcoming these is by making sure that I am actively listening to the lecture instead of going on my laptop and writing down powerpoint word for word. I also like to discuss the material with friends or people I meet in class to better understand the content.

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